


so like… obviously the proper wendigo from native american lore isn’t something to mess around with, and i fully respect the culture behind it. and i don’t totally see where the cannibal who became twisted through excessive cannibalism turned into… black fluffy animals/werewolf type animals with skull faces (especially the herbivorous ones?).

my question is does anyone have a better term for the black fluffy skull creatures other than wendigo though? it leaves a bad taste in my mouth calling them wendigo, but i love them so much and want to make a few of them myself. i dont want to infringe on the proper wendigo lore though, and while wendigo is a glorious name for a creature i dont want to link them to the name even.

I gotcha, fam

Presenting one of my favorites of Irish mythology- the Puca!

The púca (Irish for spirit/ghost), pooka, phouka, phooka, phooca, puca or púka is primarily a creature of Celtic folklore. Considered to be bringers both of good and bad fortune, they could either help or hinder rural and marine communities. The Púca can have dark or staunch white fur or hair.

The Puca are shapeshifters, who can appear as black dogs, horses, etc. They often show up in taverns, and drinking with a Puca promises a super fun night! They’re also tricksters of the fae world, with varied natures puca to puca, and are quite powerful. 

Best of all, they’re not part of sacred culture. You can make them look damn near like whatever you want, though fluffy and black with horns and claws is their usual shtick. They even transform into humans sometimes (usually when in a tavern and needing to pass for a normal patron). 

Totally non-offensive to bang to your heart’s content!

I find this really important. 
Really, really really important. 

Emphasis on not comparing the W to a “religious” association. It’s more the cultures involved with it. Growing up in Northern Minnesota, I’ve heard many stories of the W from folks from the reservation nearby. 

Please, Terato community, and followers. 
Leave this one alone. 
Find a different name. 
If you want help finding a new name, I’ll help you. 
The W is something that does not belong to anyone outside of the Native community. It is an entity to be heavily respected, along with the peoples who discovered it. (Yes, there are real records of events happening directly tied to the entity of the W)

So, please. Out of respect for actual victims, families, and the many Native tribes and Nations themselves, I recommend you not use the W in your art/writings. 
But honestly? If someone asks if you could please not, don’t get angry. Have respect for yourself and the person brave enough to ask. 
Respect their and my wishes. This is not one to hold on to and fight over. 
It’s not “just” a man eating satan thing. Just because many other cultures have evil entities doesn’t mean you should directly cut and paste. 
Heck, maybe you should think twice about cutting and gluing something that has far more significance to an entire group of people than you do. 

Don’t get me wrong, its good to draw inspirations… But do not take. Please do not take, that is all I ask. Name it something else, and leave it alone. 

Thanks for uh… reading, if you made it this far. 
I’m passionate about this, because nobody will listen when my Native friends speak up.
If you disagree with me, at least take this moment to go have a hard think about this. 

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